"Roly-poly fish heads, Eat them up, Yum!"

Keep to my promise,  i have been really trying to stay up on my Catching the OX project.   This time around features a really wonderful photographer,  Dolly Rubiano,  from Wellington, New Zealand. When we discussed topis,  she was quite excited to shoot fish heads.   After my recent trip to China,  which included visiting some pretty sketchy back alley food markets in Beijing,  i was all for a little bit of grit and gore.  

Here are a few of my shots.  Check out the blog HERE to see which one i chose and to see Dolly's shot.

the Holga doesn't want summer to end...

Swimming at the Clackamet with the ducks and my best gal.

Lucky Foods

A few weeks ago,  i did some shooting for a local Korean company called Lucky Foods.  I don't do alot of work for "packaged food" companies,   but these guys were really cool and wanted some more appetizing shots of their food.  I had a great day of shooting with the owner and her son in the studio.   Here are a few shots of their Kimchi and Spring Rolls.

17 months and 8 days later...

When i began shooting the Le Pigeon  cookbook,  i thought i was a pretty solid photographer.  I had been shooting professionally for a few years and was content with the style and quality of my images.   Oh, oh oh how little i knew then compared to now.  During the following 2 years that i worked on this book,   I grew more than i ever thought i could both as a photographer and a person.  Everyone involved gave their heart and soul and incredible talents to the project.   It was an amazing adventure and i am truly lucky to have been part of it.

This is the very first image i shot for the book on November 9,  2011.

And this is the final image i shot for the book  on April 17th 2013.

A few of my favorites....

Over the next few weeks i will be posting more about the Le Pigeon book, both here and on my website.  But for now,  here are a few of my absolute favorites.

the Holga goes to southern oregon

A few weeks ago,  Meredith and I took a little jaunt down to the southern oregon coast.  We stayed in Bandon and Yachats,  two towns i had never visited in all my years in OR.  We had a great trip and the Holga was there to document the beauty.

Another Cover!

I got an email last week, while traveling in China,  that i got the cover of the newest MIX.   That is always a great email to receive halfway around the world.   

Parking Lot Paella

I actually shot this story for MIX over a year ago.    I am glad it finally made it into print.    That was a really fun day.  And the article is written by Liz Crain,  who i collaborated with on the Toro Bravo cookbook.  But more on that soon....   Stop by a New Seasons and pick up an issue.

Props to Reed Darmon and Danielle Centoni.  I would never have known that only 2 people could put out an entire magazine that looks this good.

Peachy keen

As promised,  since i had a little down time this summer,  i really wanted to make more of an effort to get the Catching the Ox project back in swing.    This session included the local portland food photographer Dina Avila.   We decided on Stone Fruit as the subject.   Here are 2 of my shots.   you will just have to head over to the CTO site to see which one made the cut,  and to see Dina's beautiful shot as well.    Its worth the click!

Peaches were graciously provided by Trevor at Baird Family Orchard.   Best peaches in portland!