how to make a great negroni

how to make a great pretzel

who doesn't love a good pretzel

i got together with author and pretzel guru Andrea Slonecker and food stylist extraordinaire Caroline Ford to shoot some pretzels in the studio. it was a really fun day and we made some beautiful images of Andrea's pretzels. here's a sampling.

now go out and buy some pretzels. you know yer thinking it...

the mighty Morgenthaler

if you enjoy a good cocktail... and who doesn't enjoy a good cocktail, then you've probably crossed paths with this fine fellow. a gentleman and a scholar, and always pretty fun to shoot.

Danielle for Fine Cooking

of all the times i have shot at clyde common, i had never met or shot their wonderful pastry chef Danielle.

Fine Cooking Magazine is doing a story on her soon, so she needed some new portraits. when i got there, she was in full production mode, and we decided it would be fun to do a portrait before she got cleaned up. I'm pretty stoked on this one.

real men don't shoot quiche...

Not too long ago i cooked up this bacon, swiss, kale quiche to shoot and eat. just more play time in the studio. here's what i can up with. i realized lately that i need to work on my vertical food images. i'm just a bigger fan of horizontals, i admit it. but you don't get full page spreads in print with horizontals. So this was conscious practice, not to mention the light was pretty great in the studio that day. (Ready when you are, Bon Appetit!)

playing with blue cheese

recently i borrowed a large chunk of Blue from cheese guru and all around swell guy Steve Jones. I wanted to do a whole cheese project, but then i got busy.... oh well. more to come soon.

little t's sweet biscuits

just messing around with the natural light in the studio today before breakfast. gotta love little t's. its as much fun to shoot as it is to eat.

plus i just made 5 new tabletops from scrap wood at salvage works. spent a sum total of $17. i Love that place!

thrift store project pt. 14

i picked up this little milkmaid (?) recently. this was actually a hard one cause there were lots of different cool angles, so here are two options. haven't decided which i like best.

self portrait

i'm trying to get better about being in front of the camera. its just not my thing.
chances are, if you see me this winter, i'm gonna be wearing this hat and this sweater...

new Catching the Ox shot

so this time around i enlisted the help of Bo Baumgartner, husband of one of merediths coworkers. (we sat across form each other at the christmas party!)

The subject we chose was baking, but being a big fan of Instagram, Bo suggested we do our subject in that medium. I'm always up for a challenge, so there you have it. check it out HERE.

and if yer not following me on Instagram.... wtf? get on it.

Wafu Pdx pt.2

just had to throw in a few more images.....

Wafu Pdx

i was recently hired by Wafu to document the restaurant: the comings and going, the cooking, eating, drinking, noodle making and everything in between. suffice to say, after just two days of shoot i had over 100 finished images that i was proud of.

here are just a few. check out Wafu for menu, hours etc. then go get a big fat bowl of ramen...