A pitcher full of sunshine

Lets face it.   It rains in Portland.  It rains a lot.  But this winter has been especially brutal.  Come on Mother Nature.  We just need a few clear days... a little vitamin D,  to get us through til spring kicks in.

But that just doesn't seem to be in the forecast.   So what can you do?  Union Wine Company suggests making a little sunshine in a glass,  with  their Cactus Bite cocktail.   I recently shot a little brunch party complete with quiche and cocktails and good company at our house.

Check out the full story and cocktail recipe HERE.

a quick trip to Bless Yer Heart

I was on hand for the opening morning of Bless Yer Heart,   and it was tough enough for the cooks to keep their head above water,  let alone really show off the beauty of their burgers.  So i set up a quick shoot with their chef so i could really dial in a few pics of their burgers.  Very happy i did!

And lets not forget the second best part of BYH.... top shelf whiskey!

Toro Bravo turns 10

Its really kind of crazy to believe.  

I remember drinking cocktails on the opening night (after getting off a brutal 13 hr day of catering for Simpatica!)  I rocked out to Adam Green and Bruce Springsteen for years in the basement,  doing,  what seemed at the time, a literally endless litany of  prep tasks.  I spent a year and a half shooting the Toro Bravo Cookbook.  And thru all that,  I consider John and Renee two of my closest friends in Portland.  

So to be able to be on hand to celebrate the 10th anniversary was a true honor.  Its a gradual restart,  but in a week or so,  they will have returned to their full (and as you know) immense menu,  with all sorts of never before seen items.   So if its been a while,  stop in for a snack and a sherry-   or bring a posse and go crazy!   

But don't get me wrong... Its basically the same old Toro with some exciting new kitchen equipment,  lots more puffy banquets and one brand new big ol' octopus.

The Family 'Q'

Any time i work with a restaurant,  it allows me a chance, albeit briefly,  to feel like i am part of that restaurant's family-  a feeling i truly miss since becoming a freelancer.   By far,  the best family i have spent some time with this year is the newly retooled Portland institution, Q Restaurant and Bar.   Everyone there was so cool and welcoming,  and the shoots really reflect that attitude.   

Here are a few of my favorites from my latest shoot. Look for an updated website coming soon!