One of the greatest benefits of being a food photographer is getting to meet the creative minds fueling the smaller, artisan businesses. Its been a little while since i got to spend some time with a really fun group, snap a few pics and learn more than a thing or two in the process. ....Enter Ladybug Chocolates.
Canby is a fascinating suburb of Portland. I don't get down there that much, but recently, with groups like LetUmEat, Canby is doing some really cool things. The main force behind Ladybug Chocolates, Bob Dye, is a master chocolatier (my words- not his) who has run a hand made chocolate company for 8 years. He is a fascinating man who enjoys a good martini, and has many many a story to tell. I spent some time in their shop, photographing the process. Everyone was great, and honest to goodness, its some of the best chocolate i have ever eaten. (especially the chocolate covered graham crackers!) check em out if you are driving thru town.