now thats one sexy chef...

i very rarely get to do portrait shoots anymore,  and lets face it,  as much as i love taking 400 pictures of a cheeseburger,  man cannot live on ground beef alone.   So i am always excited to have a morning with a subject as fun as Amelia Lane, pastry chef of Olympic Provision,  to create some wonderful sexy images.  She was a great model.   and much love to Nick Wood for generously letting us use his kitchen for a few hours.

going back to Laurelhurst Market

i hadn't been back to shoot at LM since they first opened,  many years ago.   i love those guys,  i love their food and i love that space.   all in all it was a really successful shoot.   
here are some favorites.  look for more on their website soon.

November 2. 2012

this was the one image i made on the morning of my 38th birthday.

the Holga goes to boston ...cemeteries

"a dreaded sunny day,  so i'll meet you at the cemetery gates. Keats and Yeats are on your side,  while Wilde is on mine..."

(channeling my inner goth with the Holga in Boston.)

and ee cummings grave,  in all CAPS!   (think he's constantly rolling over...?

one shot for a beautiful autumn

i was playing around in the studio the other day with a few fresh picked  Toyko Rose apples... the asian call-girl of the apple world.

boozin it up at FREEHOUSE

i love Freehouse.  great drinks,  great food and some super swell folks.  and its not a bad place to take some photos.    check out more shots that they have already posted on their website.  (i LOVE when clients are proactive about actually using the pics i take.)